February 13, 2025

Alabama Boss Taste Tests Pumpkin Beer | Craft Brew Review

Boss is giving all the latest Pumpkin-flavored beers a try in the latest episode of Craft Boo Review (formerly Craft Brew Review). Pumpkin beer has been dividing America since it’s origin days, when Sam Adams and the founding fathers accidentally knocked a pumpkin into a keg of beer. Well, the days of dispute are over as Alabama Boss is laying down the hammer and giving the definitive take on whether we Americans shall be for or against Pumpkin Beer.

Boss starts off by saying “There’s no reason to Pumpkin spice a beer,” but Boss has been known to have his mind changed from time to time. Let’s see what happens in this one and be sure to let us know your official stance on Pumpkin-flavored beer.

0:00 – Intro

1:00 – Schlafly Pumpkin Ale

2:10 – Atomic Pumpkin from Voodoo Ranger

3:15 – Southern Tier Caramel Pumking (Imperial Pumpkin Ale)

4:00 – Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale

5:29 – 21st Amendment Brewery Pumpkin Haze IPA

7:10 – Shipyard Pumpkin Head 8:13 – Ranking Time

9:48 – Black n Mild Rip & Final Decision

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